Authors |
Burlankov Stepan Petrovich, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, sub-department of restaurant business, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (36, Stremyanny lane, Moscow, Russia), E-mail:
Kuz'min Sergey Anatol'evich, Postgraduate student, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (36, Stremyanny lane, Moscow, Russia), E-mail:
Volodin Viktor Mikhaylovich, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Skvortsova Valentina Alekseevna, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, sub-department of economic theory and international relations, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. The article is devoted to the classification of factors affecting the system for managing the innovative potential of an industrial enterprise. The authors analyze the available and give their classification of factors based on current trends in the development of industrial enterprises. The aim of the work is to identify groups of factors of innovative development of industrial enterprises.
Materials and methods. When writing the work, we used scientific papers describing the classification of factors affecting the system for managing innovative potential, and as materials, the results of our own statistical studies and studies of other authors to confirm the reliability of the proposed classification. The methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy, decomposition, etc. were used.
Results. Several classifications of factors affecting the system of managing the innovative potential of an industrial enterprise are highlighted. Moreover, factors are considered in several aspects: as factors influencing the formation and development of innovative potential; as factors affecting the management system as a whole, or factors of organization management; as factors of innovation development management.
Conclusions. It is emphasized that the factors affecting the system of managing the innovative potential of an industrial enterprise are multidimensional and can be assigned to different categories depending on the object. In this case, you should try to take into account latent factors, and it is also important to maximize the number of controlled factors.
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